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PDF Rotate Pages, for rotating pdf pages 90, 180, 270 degrees for Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux, HP-UX, Sparc, IBM AIX
Supports Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, Windows 2000, XP, 2003,
Vista, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, Windows 7/8/8.1, 10, 2012, Unix AIX 4.3, Linux, Macintosh OSX, SUN Sparc Solaris
Many optional parameters:
-i<filename> - input file name
-l<filename> - list file name
-o<filename> - output file name
-f<folder> - output folder name
-p<pages array> - pages list for rotation, e.g. 1,3,5-7 or -pall or -podd
or -peven
-smart - processes landscape pages only e.g. -r90 -smart would process all
landscape pages only i.e. (horizontal page size is greater than vertical)
-sets(n) - repeat page list over n pages over the entire pdf file e.g. -p1,3
-sets10 would process pages 1,3,11,13,21,23 etc etc
-r<degree> - rotation degree, can be any of the following: 0, 90, 180,
-force - forces rotation on existing roation if already set in pdf document,
e.g. -r180 if already 180 then rotates to 0
-pfirsthalf - rotate first half of pdf -pfirsthalf of 10 pages will rotate
pages 1-5
-plasthalf - rotate first half of pdf -plasthalf of 10 pages will rotate
pages 6-10
Example usage:-
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -p5-10,15-20,55 -r0
PDFRotatePages -ic:\\est.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -p1,3 -sets10 -r180
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\\est-out.pdf -r90 -smart
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -p1-10 -r180
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -podd -r90
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -peven -r180
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -pall -r270
PDFRotatePages -ic:\test.pdf -oc:\test-out.pdf -r180
PDFRotatePages -ic:\\test.pdf -oc:\\test-out.pdf -r180 -force
PDFRotatePages -ic:\\test.pdf -oc:\\test-out.pdf -plasthalf -r180
PDFRotatePages -ic:\\test.pdf -oc:\\test-out.pdf -r290
see examples folder for all parameters usage in test.bat, list.bat
NOTE: first 2 parameters have to be -i -o or -i -f
If your filename has spaces in it then use double quotes around the
filename, e.g. "c:\my test\test file.pdf"
Wildcards * are not permitted, if you want to process many files then
do: dir /B *.pdf > list.txt,
then PDFRotatePages -ilist.txt -fout -p1,3,15-20,55 -r180
If your filename has spaces in it then use double quotes around the
filename, e.g. \"/home/pdffiles/test file.pdf\"
Wildcards * are not permitted, if you want to process many files then do: ls
-1 *.pdf > list.txt, then ./pdfrotatepages -ilist.txt -ftest |
Rotate Pages in a PDF's
0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
Handles mixed sized PDF's
multiple documents with speed & ease.
Do individual or ranges or odd or even page rotations.