Automating Batch & Print Pro install

KB DATE: 10/12/2006
REQUIRES VERSION: 1.00 or above
To create a self extracting install see KB0031

Batch & Print Pro install package uses Install Shield 6 Professional setup so it is possible to automate and create a silent install process for distribution purposes.


1. Download the Batch & Print Pro package from our website and unzip the file to e.g. c:\BatchPrintPro

2. Go in to DOS (strart menu-->Run...) cmd.exe       and type CD C:\BatchAndPrintPro
    On the command line type setup -r to start at recorded install session

3. Once the install process has finished the installer will create a file called setup.iss in the c:\windows or c:\winnt folder.

4. Copy this file to the c:\BatchPrintPro folder

5. To playback the automated installer, type setup -s setup.iss  (NOTE: make sure you've uninstalled it before you do this)


To create a self extracting install see KB0031