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Document Converter Pro - Convert Images, Documents, Emails to PDF


What's new?


1.18 19/09/2024

1. added double quotes around filename in reporting
2. added filter file type option

1.17 21/08/2023

1. added fix for monitor stopping after so many processes
2. added fit to page (tall) in conversion options for excel to pdf
3. fix for saving all conversion settings in file menu, conversion settings

1.16 28/02/2023

1. fix for stretch & fit parameters in image to pdf
2. fix for stretch & fit parameters in tiff to pdf
3. fix for append as one not using scaling sizes set to scale each conversion to
4. added -a switch for append all on the command line.
5. added -# switch for moving and naming the merged output final filename when using the above -a switch.


1.15 21/09/2022

1. update for pcl to pdf and Arabic fonts.
2. updated latest encryption methods for ftp2 and sftp.
3. updated email for latest encryption methods.
4. fix for msg file to pdf where it was keeping extracted converted files to pdf in output folder.
5. fix for opening converted file (right mouse option)

1.14 27/06/2022

1. add toc creation for bookmarks / files appended with links to pages.
2. add background overlay option.
3. add append only sections of pdf.
4. remove blanks option.
5. added .ppsx support for powerpoint show files.
6. added xml support via ms word conversion.
7. added [MSGTO] in the conversion filename.
7. added [MSGCC] in the conversion filename.
8. fix for append in monitor mode. (been deleted)
9. fixed a random with certain pdf page count locking file issue (PrintPDFDLL updated)
10. fixed a msg file retry crash issue. (no from address in msg)
11. fix for ODP to PDF when using libre office option in conversion options, not getting libre office path when set.
12. added internal rtf to pdf in conversion options.
13. fix for monitor and some conversion options like word and ods.

1.12 05/10/2018 -

1. fix for browse buttons not activating in monitor, dos,exe .bat setup.
2. fix for showing status of email (attachment) when not converting email.
3. added for filename naming when converting msg files: [MSGYYYY][MSGMM][MSGDD] [MSGhh][MSGmm][MSGss] [MSGSENTBYNAME] [MSGSUBJECT] [MSGSENTBYADD] these are taken from the msg file main body email.
4. added option to output date in British time format DD/MM/YYYY for messgae files instead of American MM/DD/YY format.

1.11 05/11/2017

1. Screen dpi fix for 4k monitors and other dpi settings.

1.10 30/07/2017

1. fix for ftp issue with filenames with spaces.
2. fix for special banner setup not showing from main menu.
3. fix for doc to pdf crash issue.

1.09 23/04/2016

1. fixed security settings for NT Service setup.
2. added disable menu ini file support for main menu.
3. changed bulk load initial dir to desktop of first time use for law edition.
4. added disable buttons ini file support for special banners setup.
5. fix for pdf to pdf overwriting issue on filenumber output.
6. Appending when outputting to same as source - can have multiple source folder locations in the list, it was confused - we've now defaulted to the first one.
7. PST when outputting to same as source - it was taking the source from the extracted msg file in temp, now fixed that for pst source.
8. fix for pem file load browse button in ftp add file.
9. fix for banner resize issue with all pst, eml, msg files. + source pdf files.
10. fix for files with invalid bookmarks causing a non append with append as one file option.
11. added banner file list option and file output for printers.
12. fix for setting all selected as yes or no from menu append as one pdf checkbox option not appearing.

1.08 19/10/2016

1. added banners setup.
2. added banners creation.
3. added toc file creation.
4. fix for manual separator after question.
5. added alternate PCL to PDF conversion method option.
6. fix for security password option for conversion settings.
7. added duplex option in banner options.
8. added stripe and color to banners.
9. added resize all pdf (without banners) option.
10. fix for same as source path crash issue with msg, eml & pst files.

1.07 11/09/2016

1. added same as source folder in output folder options, for keeping the files in the same folder or relative to set path.
2. fix for [PROMPTSEQNO causing out of memory error.
3. fix for pptx filetype not been recognized.
4. added open converted folder to right mouse action and file menu.
5. fix for not appending all msg files together when extracting from pst files individually.
6. added create output folder on startup if it doesn't exist.
7. fixed a PST issue with root folder items not been picked up. i.e. no actual folder for those.
8. added support for open converted output file for seq numbered files.
9. added output file filename in main list at end for quick reference.
10. changed sequence of pst to pdf so output's in alpha sort folder & submit time descending sequence by default.
11. added reset settings to default option in action menu.
12. added if 'noupdates' file exists in program folder then it doesn't check for updates.
13. fixed a duplicate named msg, eml file extraction processing issue.
14. fix/updated seqno prompt window to show default all sequence number on first install.
15. fixed a data in memory issue with some msg files.
16. added better error control and reporting to error log.
17. error log fix for not showing actual error message text in log.
18. fix for retry msg, eml when file locked, copies to a temp folder and tries again.
19. fix for mht to pdf formats.
20. fixed a focus issue causing mouse to loose focus when doing something else.

1.06 15/08/2016

1. added create output folder when setting a new output folder thru manually typing.
2. added fix for 0 pages converted because of bad output path not updating next time when a good output path is set.
3. fixed center "Converting files..." dialog box on existing, currently centered on desktop not app.
4. fix for windows 2008 opening converted file.
5. added status when not able to open converted file from interface.
6. when appending into one file show what's created at the end in the status.
7. now allows you to click on this status above for opening the merged file.
8. added click on the status to change the output folder when shown.
9. added conversion method to status for more information.
10. added stopped to individual file status when stop is clicked.
11. added autofit columns when maximizing view when viewing logs.
12. fix for email types to pdf not showing status on machines with less permissions. e.g. windows 8.
13. fix for color split setup not using current settings when changed.
14. fix for color split setup browse folder buttons.

1.05 20/07/2016

1. added .sql file type as text support.
2. added .odt file support.
3. added .ods file support.
4. added .odp support
5. added presentation notes support, separately or appended to slides.
6. added Libre support for ODP file slides for better conversion.
7. added embed attachments in message pdf option for msg files rather than converting all attachments to pdf.
8. fix for commas in generate report csv.
9. added sequence number option in conversion options + prompt option. [SEQNO(n)] and [PROMPTSEQNO(n)] e.g. [SEQNO00000] would mask it 5 digits.
10. fix for when appending. no need to use naming from conversion options... not relevant and is causing confusion.
11. added sequence number to end of list on far right.
12. added sequence number to generate report on current list txt and csv.

1.04 24/06/2016

1. date time fix for daylight saving hours in msg / eml files.
2. bookmark destination fix for multi nested message attachments.
3. close or stopping application when still running now forced close running threads.
4. fix for msg to pdf chopping messages on right with tables.
5. fix for eml to pdf chopping messages on right with tables.

1.03 15/06/2016

1. changed msg to pdf date time stamps in message header to match outlook.
2. added bookmark tree to msg files & outlook pst files.
3. fix for pst file extraction not outputing pdf when not appending into one pdf file.
4. added bookmark tree to eml files.
5. added eml within eml file support.

1.02 09/06/2016

1. fixed a monitor setup make changes popup issue.
2. fix for monitor interface on startup sometimes showing last change/save setting.
3. added environment variables to move to folders in monitor like with monitor path.
4. added if msg file is in use then copies it to temp folder and processes that to avoid -41 error in use.
5. added msg in msg file support.
6. fix for bad filenames extracted.

1.01 18/05/2016

1. added output filename options in conversion options for filenaming and removing the old file extension.
2. fix for mixup with conversion option settings.
3. added postscript (.ps) to pdf conversion.
4. added msg file to pdf + attachments to pdf, with option to combine into one pdf.
5. added pcl conversion to pdf support.
6. added eml file to pdf + attachments to pdf, with option to combine into one pdf.
7. added pst file to pdf as individual messages and with option to combine into one pdf.
8. added OCR support for Image types converted to pdf.
9. updated tiff to pdf for compression.
10. added powerpoint files to pdf conversion.
11. fix for image to pdf with some images when defaults set to 0 width, 0 height. now defaults to A4
12. fix for column, header re-organize save in options menu, startup options...
13. fix for previous saved load conversion settings.
14. added log, ini & nfo to text to pdf conversion.
15. fix for 64bit image to pdf.

1.00 04/05/2016

first release.